Wednesday, February 28, 2018


#Helpeachother #bekindtooneanother

I became stronger through my writing:

People ask me how can this be? As I kept a journal of every event and was able to write down word for word on what happened in my daily life.

I realized what I was writing were only painful and hurtful events. There was no happiness attached to my day. There was no smile or laughter when I wrote. There were even pages of dried tears the journal didn't even close right.

I knew this is not how I wanted to live. I knew I wasn't with the person of my dreams. I didn't pray to have someone in my life that would curse me, day in and day out. Belittle me and hurt my family. I couldn't believe what I was writing. There were pages and pages of upset. I gained strength through prayer. I was guided by the good Lord.

I became stronger and stood up for what I believe in. I never looked back and kept going forward. As time went on, I wrote three books and many ebooks. I speak at events across the country. I vowed to never let this happen to another woman.

I'm blessed in my life to be with a kind man and loving person. A man who stands by my side through everything. Who loves my family. Who is strong in Faith.

Please write it down. Read it over again and again. Listen to what you put on paper. Make the changes, re-write your story, and share your strength. You are a Blessing!

Contact me at:
You can visit our website:
On our website there is valuable information and
meditations that will help you.

Have a blessed day

Tuesday, February 27, 2018


There is nothing more powerful, than a woman who is determined to rise. 
1. We will not let a man, determine who we are.
2. We will continue to do the right thing, even if the wrong thing is happening.
3. We will walk with strength, and our head held high
4. We will not allow ourselves to be mistreated
5. You are our past, there is no room for you in our future
6. We love who we are
7. We have faith to guide us
8. Gods got our back
9. You helped us learn what we do not want in our lives
10. We have our smile back
11. We can laugh and have joy
12. Life is good
Please add in your power. 13,14,15 ect......
Keep this list with you and never forget it.

Contact me at:
Visit our website:
You will find great information and Meditations that will help you.
Have a blessed Day!

Monday, February 26, 2018


You are not my priority!
Don't forget we have other options, then being treated with disrespect. We will not tolerate or except any abuse of any kind. 
We deserve kindness, love and joy. We have faith and It will carry us further than you can ever imagine. You are no longer welcome in our hearts. 
The world is big, and full of great people. We are not alone, and not afraid.
Remember this option, when you pain and hurt someone.
You will not BE thought of, you will not be a focus. You will be a distant forgotten memory. 
I say memory, because not forgetting how we were treated by you, will make it easier to see you coming. This won't happen again. We are not a door mat, or will we be taken advantage of.
You can visit our website:
On our website you will find helpful information, and Meditations.
Contact me at:
Have a blessed day!

Sunday, February 25, 2018


Don't make things complicated.
Today is Sunday, I would like everyone to look back on the week that past, and see what you could have done differently to have less havoc. 
1. Could you have woken up a little earlier? Would that have saved you a lot of grief.
2. Could you change a habit that has caused things to get out of hand? Such as sleeping at a decent hour? or staying on your computer all day long? ect.......
3. Have you forgotten things that needed to get done? Have you thought of a notebook? Write down what you have to do, and some of your thoughts.
4. What is overcomplicated in your personal life that you can change immediately? It won't take you long to think about this one. I bet you had an answer as soon as you read the question.
Lets focus today, on what we can change starting tomorrow.
You can contact me at:
Visit our website:
You will find Meditations and other valuable information that will help.
Have a blessed day!

Saturday, February 24, 2018


I received an email that touched my heart. 
"I feel strong, But I'am very tired. I feel I'am almost there, but I'm drained."......
My answer: Continue to move ahead. Take control of what you can, let go of what you can't in order to stay focused. You need plenty of rest, and food. Fuel will keep your thoughts clear, and give you energy. Try to take some time out of your day, and sit in silence.
If you like to meditate do so. If you like to pray do that. Take this time to collect your thoughts. Quite down the chit chat. This will help you release some of the pressure.
This is a draining time of your life, you feel as if you are holding a lot of weight, but like you said, you feel strong. You answered your own question with this statement. You can do this. You will make it. Your inner strength will take you through this. Have faith. Say out loud, "I'am Blessed"
Remember you deserve joy, love and laughter. Keep going!
Your life is your message. What do you want it to say??
You can contact me at:
You can visit our website:
There are many meditations that will help.
Have a blessed day!

Friday, February 23, 2018


Today I would like to talk about willpower.
Willpower is continuing to move forward even when you feel like quitting.
One of the best definitions I can think of is: Quitting when you are finished, not when you're tired. 
There was a time in my life when I felt like throwing in the towel. As I sat in silence and thought of the consequences of doing so. It was not an option.
I made a decision with myself, to continue on my journey, and finish what I started. Still today. I live by this rule. 
If you ever begin to feel this way, please sit for a minute in silence, and ask yourself why did I start? Then move forward and finish what you started.
Remember, You can do It. You are stronger than you think!
Please visit our website:
You will find meditations that will help you.
Contact me at
Have a blessed day!

Thursday, February 22, 2018


This statement:
"Your life is a message, What do you want it to say?"
It created a lot of thought amongst many of you, according to the emails I have received. I wrote this in yesterdays post.
We all have a legacy. I really believe that is our message.
How we conduct our life, will be remembered. How we treat people is valuable. It's important to understand, How we live, trickles down to everyone in our family. Think of where you are, and what must change. 
What is the message you are sending out? We need to look at what we are doing and make the necessary changes to live a meaningful life. We have a responsibility to ourselves and people we love, to respect who we are. 
What kind of people are you allowing in your life? Seems to be a very big question. Are they treating you well? Are they happy and joyous? Do they bring compassion and love to the table? 
"Make changes!"
What are we doing? Are you driven to help others? Are you kind and generous? Are you sharing what you have learned?...
Are you sending gratitude for everything around you?
If your life isn't sending the right message, send a different one!
Contact me at:
Visit our website:
There are many meditations and information that you will find helpful.
Have a blessed day

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


This is a continuation of yesterdays post. If you haven't read it please do so. 
I received an email that touched my heart. This person read my post and responded like this.
"I feel strong, But I'am very tired. I feel I'am almost there, but I'm drained."......
My answer: Continue to move ahead. Take control of what you can, let go of what you can't in order to stay focused. You need plenty of rest, and food. Fuel will keep your thoughts clear, and give you energy. Try to take some time out of your day, and sit in silence.
If you like to meditate do so. If you like to pray do that. Take this time to collect your thoughts. Quite down the chit chat. This will help you release some of the pressure.
This is a draining time of your life, you feel as if you are holding a lot of weight, but like you said, you feel strong. You answered your own question with this statement. You can do this. You will make it. Your inner strength will take you through this. Have faith. Say out loud, "I'am Blessed"
Remember you deserve joy, love and laughter. Keep going!
Your life is your message. What do you want it to say??
You can contact me at:
You can visit our website:
There are many meditations that will help.
Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


"The light at the end of the tunnel." 
This is a quote we have heard once or twice. What is the meaning behind this? Let me give you some insight. 
This means, that this is the end of a difficult situation in your life, and the solution is not far ahead. 
I understand that each problem is different. I have been there myself. I seen the light at the end of the tunnel, it seemed to be a million miles away. But I kept walking towards it. I didn't quit. I knew that there was joy and peace on the other side of hardship and pain. I know what it means to laugh, because I've done it. I know how it feels to smile, because I loved doing it. I knew I can have this again. I never forgot what it was like to live before the pain. 
Please don't forget. Continue to move into your joy. Do what ever it takes. Don't give up on you. Quitting is not an option.
Check out our web-site.
There is great information there for you that will help.
contact me at:
Have a blessed day

Monday, February 19, 2018


Be Patient with yourself is the subject of the day.
Over the weekend I received many emails. They were about wanting to heal now. The pain is to much. Wanting to be happy right this instant. 
We all heal differently. What kind of wound do you have? A paper cut? Is it a scrap or something more? We have to understand how the pain effected us, and who caused it. We have to be patient during the healing process. It will not go away in a day, or even a week and in some cases it will take longer. 
Your heart will see the scar, large or small far after you heal. You will remember, but it won't hurt. You have become stronger, and know what you will not except in your life. You will have clarity, and your awareness will be charged. You will walk through this life with confidence, and without fear. You will pull it together. 
You are wonderful, and valuable. No-one can ever take that from you. You are ready to take on challenges and start over.
You are in charge. You have control of your life. You are blessed.
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Stay Strong