Thursday, December 14, 2017


I had several emails this morning about yesterdays post. (If you missed it, please take a minute and go over it.)
Questions rolled in on more options??...
Lets get to it.

3. Find better ways to get rid of negative energy.
I work with many women. The truth is very crucial in the healing process. 
I tell all women that they should do something they have never tried before in regards to fitness. I've had many women tell me that they are bored with the same old gym routine. Same instructors, doing the same things.
My answer to this is:
You should not stop looking. There are many areas of fitness that you may not have explored, that you can try. I recommend boxing gyms, strength training (weightlifting), group fitness training etc... These are the areas of fitness, that you could release negative energy. We have to strengthen our minds, and bodies to become better equipped to handle the days ahead. I have to say boxing was a big hit. Women felt inspired, empowered, enlighten to stay focused on what they need to accomplish and not on their emotions. They felt there isn't anything that they can not accomplish. From wraps that are worn, and the gloves that are put on women began to tap into their inner strength they felt was lost.
4. Stop blaming yourself
This is a very common thing we do as women. We begin to second guess what happened. The questions come flowing into your thoughts. "what if I did this better?" "I wish I didn't say that, It's my fault" "If I just did what he asked, this wouldn't have blown out of context. It's all because of me".
"I should have been more neat, like he wanted."
It's important when a relationship ends, don’t blame yourself. Instead, blame the relationship or situation—not yourself or your ex. It’s helpful to use language such as, “We weren’t right for one another…” or “We had very different goals and dreams for the future.” By changing your perspective on why the relationship ended, your emotions about the relationship will change too.
There is so much more to go over.
Contact me at:
You don't have to do this alone.
I have many posts right here that will help you. Please go through them.
Pick up a copy of my ebook: press the link BELOW;

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