Monday, September 10, 2018

Having The Love Of Your life

Realizing What You Want

Knowing what you want will give you a better outcome in a long-lasting relationship. 

I dated and stayed in a relationship longer than I needed to. I figured if I stuck it out the situation would change, or he would change into the man of my dreams.

The moral to this story is, what you see is what you get. Someone threw this phrase at me during the roughest turning point of my life. Yes, pretty harsh right? but so true. 

This changed my entire way of thinking about what I really wanted in my Life and a relationship.

There is something true about the way your partner treats you. That's his way, and there is no way changing that, and the more we brush it off, the more comfortable they are treating us badly. 

Knowing what we want. Interesting statement right? but It's not complicated. Once I understood what kind of person I wanted. My life was less stressful, I didn't have to figure things out. Wondering why is he treating me this way? What have I done to deserve this? What is going to happen today? I didn't have any more questions in my mind, no more conflict with my thoughts.

I needed to change my way of life, to find the man I deserved. 

I had to start believing In myself that I can have the man I always dreamed of. I had to feel deeply what Love meant to me. I wanted someone to hold me when I had a bad day. Wipe my tears if I cried. Show me love, not only during special occasions or dates. Someone who thought of me as a special person in their life, and I fit in their heart. 

I was tired of giving my time and energy, and my entire being to someone who didn't deserve me or appreciate my love. We are not supposed to figure Love out. If it is not natural, it isn't worth your time.

Being in a relationship has Its ups and downs, but it should never feel as your heart is being tormented, abused or disrespected. We really have to be aware of the difference.

Please don't waste another minute being in a place of hurt and pain. Love yourself more than ever, and you will find someone who will love you beyond words. 

What we feel about ourselves, depends on what kind of person we have in our lives. 

Through my journey, I stayed in faith and prayed for guidance, I prayed to have my smile back. I began to write my prayers and noticed that I can help women overcome these obstacles. I turned my prayers into meditations. I'm helping women all across the country stand up and take notice of their life. They have overcome struggles and pain, from being at war with their heart. A place I know very well.

I created personalized meditations from their own experience and helped women lift the weight in their heart, and begin to find themselves surrounded by joy and love.

I'm very thankful and grateful every day for the good times and for the bad times, they have brought me to where I'm today. Being able to share this with you, and changing lives, is a blessing.

You too can have the life you are meant to live

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Have a blessed day
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#coffeewithamilia #amiliapowers

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