We have to make a decision to forgive. Forgiveness is a process and it takes time to forgive those that hurt us. It can seem slower for some people more than others, depending on the layers of hurt, pain, and emotions involved.
If we do not forgive, our life becomes much more painful to live because we continually are holding on to resentment and bitterness. When we make forgiveness a choice, it becomes an act of our own will. As we become aware that our life needs to change, and that holding on to hate has caused us to have negative thoughts, we quickly realize we have lost the joy in our life. How often does it seem we begin to become offended by seemingly everything? We anger easily, and simple communication in our day to day life tends to always bring us back to our pain and hurt. We relive what has hurt us, and the person that did this seems to always be in our thoughts.
Forgiveness shouldn't be complicated, should it? Forgiveness needs to be love and kindness applied to your life. I don't believe it is wise to keep your feelings inside. We must release our emotional burden. we can talk with a close friend or a family member you trust. You don't need to reach out to many people, just the right person. When you begin to release your pain through conversation with a friend, you also begin detaching your emotions and thoughts from the person that hurt you. You now are taking back control that they once possessed. We need to remain committed to our forgiveness in order to live a more fulfilled life.
"Give Yourself Permission to Forgive"
The purpose of my blog is for you to live a better life and forgive yourself. How often do we blame ourselves for the hurt and pain we have experienced from the words and actions of someone we trusted? Forgiveness is the most powerful way to empower our personal growth. When we "let go" of the burden of self-blame we will begin to live with a greater sense of peace and the freedom, allowing us to become the version of ourselves. when we start living from this sense of freedom we can transfer this positive energy to the people in our life.
Forgiveness allows us to love again. Once we forgive our heart will be filled with love as it is meant to be. You become stronger because you love yourself and can love others, no matter of their shortcomings or transgressions. You forgive because you love, and love because you forgive.
"Forgiveness doesn't change the past, it changes your today"
I have created three steps from my experience of forgiveness to healing in my life. For me, my faith was my strong tower. My first step is my faith. It helped me feel strong and courageous. The Lord helped me realize my outcome was better than my current circumstances. Believing helped me overcome what seemed and looked impossible.
My prayers are my meditations. I was able to take action on my faith by creating my own daily meditations I felt stronger and closer to God. I never felt alone or abandoned. It was through my daily mediations I learned to forgive myself and this became my step two.
I needed to give myself permission to forgive others and stop holding on to blaming myself. I believed that through blaming myself for the hurt and pain someone else caused me that somehow gave me power. I was wrong. I just got angrier and more unhappy. I realized that I needed to give my self-permission to stop holding on to the pain as some type of war medal. My life was being consumed by my anger, guilt, and resentment. I decided that I need to have permission to forgive the person who hurt me. True power is in forgiveness, not anger. I developed step three to give myself permission to release my burden and truly live a happier healthier life. This is my hope and prayer for you, to forgive and set yourself free.
We all have faith in unique and different ways. As the scripture on faith reads, faith draws us a picture of what our life can be, although not seen in our current circumstances, we draw our energy from the hope we know God has created for our future. When I experienced difficulty in my trials and tribulations I turned to my faith for immediate relief. When we turn to faith our common thread is we want God to take our suffering and pain immediately. However, even though God seems to delay our help I must say from my experience His timing was always perfect. Having unfinished business in our heart will always stop us in overcoming our difficulty. Keeping the faith will always see us through.
Because I have lived a life of faith I was able to go through this horrible time with the conviction that God would see me through this, that he had my back, and I needed to trust him. For me forging my faith into action was my first step. My daily prayers became vivid and lived through the meditations I created to give myself positive affirmations.
As I began the healing process through my pain and torment I also learned how to forgive. When I added forgiveness into my daily life I began writing through my pain and hopes. My second step was to create meditations from my prayers that helped me focus on the positive things God has planned for me. Silence only worked against me, not for me. I was at war within my own heart and constantly dealing with my wounds that no one could reach. Staying silent was not the way I wanted to live my life.
Are you compromising, your love and happiness? I did, and I forgot who God created me to be. Never forget who you are in any circumstance and especially never let someone else control the love you have in your heart. When I turned my prayers to the Lord into daily affirmations through meditations it helped lead me out of my darkness, kept me calm, and more focused on my work. You can leave fear behind with daily, focused meditations and prayer. You will become stronger and never feel alone.
Do you really need to give yourself permission to forgive yourself? Does this sound a bit odd? It is crucial for your healing. You must allow yourself to start over and put your torment behind you rather than keeping it in front of you. Give yourself permission to love who you are as well as others in your life, and the people who will cross your path in the future.
Don't spend your life with your guard up constantly feeling hurt from your past experience. Open your heart and your eyes and give yourself permission to love. Leave the light on in your heart so others can find you. Healing and forgiveness can take time. Be patient with yourself. Sometimes healing a broken heart needs time to take a minute and just breathe. Stay focused on the process and time will take care of itself. Making peace with what has happened is necessary whether you're trying to get through a mistake or an area that had a major impact on your life. Give yourself permission to recognize and accept the feelings that have been triggered in you and make peace with them.
When you've given yourself permission to forgive and to heal you will begin to feel more confident and your self worth will grow. Be cautious to not replay what's happened over and over in your mind. By living in faith, creating positive daily meditations from prayers, and living with permission to forgive and love completely you are well on your way to live the life you deserve.
"Let each of you look not only to his own interest but also to the interests of others"
My hope is that this blog has given you three ways to begin the process of healing. This is from my own experience and from my heart. Healing and forgiveness as I have said is an ongoing process.
To experience personalized meditations and don't know how to create your own. I recommend you download from my series of 4 meditations, that are on my website. Chose one that corresponds to your life right now. This will help you through your present situation and help you understand how I could help you by creating your own personalized meditations
Learn more by clicking the Link
I look forward to hearing from you.
Be Blessed
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